Para español, ver abajo. Pou kreyol Ayisyen, gade anba a.
We are MARCHING in MIAMI in 2020 to commemorate our beginnings and continue the movement we started! We will RALLY for our Lobby Day in Tallahassee on January 22nd (as part of a greater reproductive justice coalition) where we will be fighting against legislation that aims to strip us of our body autonomy and dignity. We are committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance, direct lobbying and policy advocacy.
DOORS OPEN 10am; RALLY 11am; MARCH 12pm
WE WILL HAVE SPANISH AND HAITIAN CREOLE INTERPRETATION. We will be providing the phone numbers that will be used to access these services at our event shortly!
We are so blessed with our Rock Star Line-Up. Most of our speakers are Black Women and Women of Color that lead the Reproductive Justice movement in South Florida and beyond either through direct reproductive rights/justice advocacy or at its intersections with GUN VIOLENCE, HARM AGAINST MARGINALIZED WOMEN, TRANS RIGHTS, CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM, and CLIMATE JUSTICE. Our intention is to widen this movement in allyship and in antiracism towards femme liberation. Because none of us are free until all of us free.
We are mindful of Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. Please note that this year’s MLK parade in Liberty City is on Monday, January 20th.
Resister here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-march-miami-2020-march-rally-tickets-87121345289
We will need items donated and LOTS of volunteers especially for marshaling. Please complete this VOLUNTEER/DONATION FORM if you can help:
Also please check out our 2020 apparel designed by the incomparable Leoart, and get your gear in time for our January 18th March & Rally! Our shirts are available in Unisex and Women’s, Crew and V-Neck, and in White, Gray and Black.
¡Estamos MARCHANDO en MIAMI en el 2020 para conmemorar nuestros inicios y continuar el movimiento que comenzamos! Empezaremos con una MANIFESTACIÓN para nuestro Día de Cabildeo en Tallahassee el 22 de enero (como parte de una coalición más grande de justicia reproductiva) donde estaremos luchando contra la legislación que pretende despojarnos de nuestra autonomía y dignidad corporal. Estamos comprometidxs a desmantelar los sistemas de opresión a través de la resistencia no violenta, el cabildeo directo y la defensa de leyes.
TENDREMOS INTERPRETACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Y CRIOLLO HAITIANO. Utilizaremos líneas telefónicas para proveer este servicio por medio de una línea de conferencia telefónica, así que usted necesitará un teléfono (cargado) para participar.
Registrarse aquí: eventbrite
Ser voluntario: https://forms.gle/2RzpyE47xaveGyEm9
Para la ropa: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WomensMarchMiami
Nou ap MACHE nan MIAMI an 2020 pou nou komemore premye etap nou yo ak kontinye mouvman nou te kòmanse a! Nou pral kòmanse ak yon RASANBLEMAN pou Lobby Day [Jou Presyon] nou an nan Tallahassee 22 janvye (ki fè pati de yon pi gwo repwodisyon kowalisyon jistis) kote nou pral goumen kont lejislasyon ki vize pou li retire otonomi nou genyen sou kò nou ak diyite nou. Nou pran angajman pou nou demantibile sistèm opresyon ak rezistans san vyolans, ak bay presyon dirèk, epitou ak defann politik nou yo.
NOU PRAL GENYEN ENTÈPRETASYON AN ESPANYÒL AK KREYÒL AYISYEN. Nou pral itilize liy telefòn selilè yo pou nou bay sèvis sa a atravè yon konferans, kidonk w ap bezwen byen chaje telefòn ou pou ou kapab patisipe.
Enskri isit la: eventbrite
Volonte: https://forms.gle/2RzpyE47xaveGyEm9
Pou rad: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WomensMarchMiami

We are 100% volunteer driven and appreciate your commitment and support. Please collaborate with us via one of the following sponsorship opportunities to help us advance our mission.
Para el patrocinio/Pou parennaj:

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